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The Economist 8 may 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
The Economist 1 may 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
The Economist 22 may 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
Экономика предприятия. Мультимедийный учебник Интерактивное учебное пособие содержит 84 лекции общей продолжительностью более 14 часов по основным темам курса. Особое внимание уделено методам и логике ведения экономики предприятия с учетом меняющейся ситуации в нашей стране. Возможность прослушать и просмотреть только тот...
The Economist 19 june 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
The Economist 26 june 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
The Economist 7 augest 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
The Economist 28 augest 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...
Индустрия туризма и культуры №12–1 2010–2011 Журнал «Индустрия туризма и культуры» – специализированное издание для профессионалов, выходит с 2000 года. Две отрасли – туризм и культура – связаны неразрывно, что подтверждают и известные специалисты, выступающие на страницах журнала. Журнал распространяется...
The Economist 4 september 2010 The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call — «the magazine of Capitol Hill.» Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles...

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