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Истребители. «Прикрой, атакую!» — Драбкин Артем

«В бой идут одни „старики“ – увы, в жизни всё было куда страшнее, чем в этом великом фильме. После разгрома советской авиации летом 1941 года, когда гитлеровцы захватили полное господство в воздухе,...
Работа с офисными приложениями (2012)

В этом полезном обучающем сборнике видеокурсов, содержатся курсы по различным офисным программам, необходимым любому офисному работнику, а также полезны многим обычным пользователям. Помимо Micro Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) в сборнике есть курсы...
Пропитание во все времена. Советы и рецепты православным — Михайлова В.В.

В сборнике помещены полезные советы и рецепты, которые помогут православным хозяйкам приготовить оригинальные, но недорогие блюда в посты и праздники. Особенное внимание уделяется использованию в питании и лечении дикорастущих съедобных...
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Micro Azure Development Cookbook (with code)

The Azure platform is Micro’s Platform-as-a-Service environment for hosting services and data in the cloud. It provides developers with on-demand computing, storage, and service connectivity capabilities that facilitate the hosting of highly scalable services in Azure datacenters across the globe.

This practical cookbook will show you advanced development techniques for building highly scalable cloud-based services using the Azure platform. It contains over 80 practical, task-based, and immediately usable recipes covering a wide range of advanced development techniques for building highly scalable services to solve particular problems/scenarios when developing these services on the Azure platform.

Packed with reusable, real-world recipes, the book starts by explaining the various access control mechani used in the Azure platform. Next you will see the advanced features of Azure Blob storage, Azure Table storage, and Azure Queues. The book then dives deep into topics such as developing Azure hosted services, using Azure Diagnostics, managing hosted services with the Service Management API, using SQL Azure and the Azure AppFabric Service Bus. You will see how to use several of the latest features such as VM roles, Azure Connect, startup tasks, and the Azure AppFabric Caching Service.

Build advanced scalable cloud-based services with the Azure platform

What you will learn from this book:

* Develop highly scalable services for Azure
* Handle authentication and authorization in the Azure platform
* Use advanced features of the Azure Storage Services: blobs, tables, and queues
* Attach Azure Drives to a role instance
* Diagnose problems using Azure Diagnostics
* Perform remote management of Azure services with the Azure Service Management REST API
* Expose services through the Azure AppFabric Service Bus
* Learn how to autoscale a Azure hosted service
* Use cloud-based databases with SQL Azure
* Improve service performance with the Azure AppFabric Caching Service
* Understand the latest features – including VM roles, Azure Connect and startup tasks

Название: Micro Azure Development Cookbook (with code)
Издательство: Packt Publishing
Автор: Neil Mackenzie
Год: 2011
Количество страниц: 392
Формат: PDF +code
Размер: 8 mb + 2 mb
Язык: English

Метки: КНИГИ, ПРОГРАММИНГ, Издательство «Packt Publishing», Компьютерные 2011 года, Neil Mackenzie, Компьютерные в PDF CODE, Язык: Английский

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