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Thompson J. — Meditative Ocean (психоактивная аудиопрограмма)

Thompson J. — Meditative Ocean (психоактивная аудиопрограмма)

Наполнитесь эхом тишины из священной глубины океана и почувствуйте внутреннее удовлетворение под воздействием тета-волн, встроенных в естественные звуки природы!
Тета-волны (4–7 Гц): Возникают во время сна, глубокой релаксации и медитации. Увеличивают способности памяти, фокусировку внимания, стимулируют фантазию, способствуют ярким снам. Некоторые люди отмечают, что полчаса тета-волн в день заменяют 4 часа обычного сна.

During peacef, meditative states, your brainwave patterns change to slow-frequency Theta waves. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has created innovative techniques to embed these Theta waves into vivid recordings of pristine natural environments. After a few minutes of listening, your own brainwaves naturally lock onto these Theta processes effortlessly transporting you to deep reflective calm and quiet joy.
Echoes of Stillness in a Sacred Ocean Cave
On the Hawaiian Island of Maui, rising above the blue-green surf, a cave formed by ancient lava flow is revered as a sacred site. From this hallowed place you can hear the rhythms of nearby ocean swells, cresting, breaking and rolling onto the shore. The effect is heard—a steady cadence that stills the mind—and felt, as if you are merging with the frequencies of the earth and ocean themselves. Use this oceanic soundscape combined with Theta waves to experience a meditative state of deep stillness and clear awareness.
Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s clinical research with thousands of patients has led to groundbreaking discoveries of how sound-frequency patterns built into music can alter states of consciousness and induce mind-body healing. His audio programs are used by Fortune 500 companies, health-care professionals, and by individuals worldwide.

Название: Meditative Ocean
Автор: Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
Год выпуска: 2008
Серия: Theta Meditation Series
Издательство: The Relaxation Company
Продолжительность: 45 минут
Формат: flac, lossless
Размер: 274.32 Мб
Качество: хорошее

Метки: Аудиокниги, Издательство «The Relaxation Company», Книги 2008 года, Dr Jeffrey Thompson, Книги в FLAC, LOSSLESS

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